segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2012

Arte de Gemma Land -série Metamorphosis

Uma peça de roupa, um tecido, um lenço, o objectum extraído desses meios, mostram as possibilidades criativas.Qualquer forma obtida prestar-se-ia a um teste projetivo, em  Psicologia;Para mim, enquanto psicóloga, é fascinate imaginar monólogos e diálogos interpretativos, revelando selfs e segredos.É fascinante ainda, para artista que sou.estudar essas metamorfoses .É fascinante para a poeta que nasci, entrar nessa magia para reescrever o concreto de forma abstrata.
A obra de Gema land é mesmo um apanhado de gemas metafóricas, do simples para o complexo, do denso para o leve e gázeo objeto de arte/desejo que degustamos e engolimos com o olhar! 

Clevane Pessoa 



The Stunning Art of Gemma Land; Metamorphosis, A Photographic Series

Fusing photographic art with fashion, award-winning British artist Gemma Land draws inspiration from architecture, using symmetry to create impossible structures and hallucinogenic patterns. Her aesthetic lies between the romantic and gothic, with stunning imagery. Gemma is keen to push the boundaries of photographic print in fashion and exhibit her artwork in galleries around the world.

Gemma Land's first collection, Bourgeois Utopias, features digitally printed black-and-white images of English suburban houses. Her second collection of print silk scarves is a series of monochrome and color prints of London's much-loved Strawberry Hill House. Printed with the finest quality and hand finished in Britain, the Strawberry Hill collection features Land's unique style, fusing her photographic art with the function of scarves.

Gemma Land is one to watch: she has won recently the Wolf & Badger Graduate Design award and she was shortlisted at the 2011 Fashioning The Future Awards.

For the Strawberry Hill collection, the artist collaborated with film-maker Xu Ming Long Tong to create a set of images inspired by Land's designing methods. The results are these stunning metamorphic shapes."



Um comentário:

  1. Sob o desenho de Gemma Land há mistérios e poesia. Uma beleza impar, que a jornalista , poeta, fotografa, psicologa e divulgadora cultural, Clevane Pessoa ,soube muito bem observar e valorizar . Esta postagem é a prova disso!
